Slaughter on the Otter
The Kendrick Sheep Raid
by Forest B. Dunning
softcover, 112 pages, 6 x 9
ISBN: 978-1-59152-238-6
In mid-November 1900 a herd of sheep crossed a plowed furrow “deadline” which had separated the public ranges for cattle and sheep herds for many years. On the early morning of December 28, 1900, a determined group of cattlemen led by a future Wyoming Governor and U.S. Senator destroyed a band of 2113 head of sheep which had “invaded” their range. The story was cloaked by a “conspiracy of silence” for nearly 75 years—finally coming to light 40 years after the Senator’s death. Yet some of the facts and motivations remained shrouded in mystery. This is the full story told for the first time.