For the Love of Birds, The Illustrations of Jane Shull Beasley

For the Love of Birds, The Illustrations of Jane Shull Beasley

Author and Illustrations by Jane Shull Beasley

Published by Sandy Shull

Hardcover/ Sewnbound, 80 pages, 11 x 8.5 (landscape)

ISBN: 978-1-59152-282-9


Jane Shull Beasley left her mark as an exquisite artist, radio personality, avid birder, and owner of one of Montana's most notable destination stores, Birds and Beasley's in Helena. Noted for her exquisite detail in her renderings of her favorite subject- birds, her art has been featured in many galleries and sought after by collectors. Now, thanks to her daughter Sandy, her many fans can own a collection of Jane's beautiful colored pencil renderings, complete with species information and fun facts that Jane loved to share. This is a lovely compilation of art, and information. Beauty that showcases nature in a style Jane possessed in which her subjects are cherished and celebrated.

About the Author

Jane Shull Beasley drew with pencil as a child. As a commercial art student at the University of Idaho, she explored other media. Study of costume design at Emerson College in Boston, she began her professional art career as a teacher and designer of costumes for theater. Her husband's career moved them to Montana in 1954 where her career changed to motherhood, commission artwork in pencil, pen, acrylic and the enchanting world of stoneware clay. Looking back at Jane's lifetime, we see a theme of birds and nature; birding with her father as a young girl, flying an airplane at 15, high up in the sky with the birds, sculpting animals, and drawing the birds, butterflies and flowers in this collection. Jane's love of nature is shared with feather and furry friends, capturing a nuance, a mood, in painting, clay sculpture or relief. Her work is in homes, galleries, businesses, and trade throughout the U.S.